

11-14 Nov.

2 gagnants



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Le concours

We cannot wait for this weekends Townsville Fire home opener for season 24/25 and to celebrate we have 2x double passes for the game. TO ENTER: 📲 Follow us on Instagram 👍 Like this post 💬 Tag your friend you'll take with you to the game The competition closes at 1pm Thursday 14 November with the winners to be selected at random. If you are selected as a winner, you will need to provide your name & email (we'll send you a DM). Your tickets will be emailed to the address you provide to the DM. @supportlocal.withkellie #supportlocaltownsville #RecoveryLab #RecoveryLabTownsville #Recovery #Wellness #MentalHealth #Health #Rehabilitation #Revitalisation #TownsvilleShines #townsvillefire #fireszn #recoverypartner

Les gagnants

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