

24-27 Nov.

3 gagnants

Brodie’s Funhouse

Brodie’s Funhouse

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Le concours

C O M P E T I T I O N T I M E 🎄🎅🏻 48 HOURS ONLY!! Our second fun filled December is nearly here!! We can’t wait to share the festive season with you ❤️ We’re giving away not just one but 3 prizes for a family of 4 to choose any of our Christmas parties or events 🌟🌟🌟 if you’ve not been to one you need to!! 💥 To enter please tag at least 3 friends/family…follow both our social pages plus share the post to your page & story!! WINNERS will be announced Tuesday night 🤩💫

Les gagnants

Félicitations aux gagnants !

  • 1er

    @Eira Murphy

    “Sam Murphy Katie AdamsSammy HaywardHoney Bird”

  • 2e


    “@michelledav89 @hollyrees26 @lexiroe7”

  • 3e


    “@dionneeleri @aimee.williams03 @chlxhopkins”

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